We will only have one social in May, so be sure not to miss it! On May 15th at 10am we will meet at CUMC, drop off the kids, and head out for a little pampering (we sooooo deserve it!) You will need to RSVP to Kelly Otero (theoteros@mac.com) if you would like to attend and she will be sending out more info so that she can take our spa orders (mani, pedi, both, etc). There is a limit of 15 kids in child care that day, so please only sign up if you are SURE you can attend so that you don't take a spot from someone else. We are asking $5/child to cover child care.
This year the MOPS surveys will be done online, so be on the lookout on Facebook and the Yahoo group so that you can fill yours out. Steering uses your information to help plan next year so let your voice be heard!
Since we did not get very many recipes, Kathie Kelly decided not to make CDs for everyone. However, she did post the recipes that she did get on both Facebook and the Yahoo group.
Renata Smith is appearing in Six Degrees of Separation at the Country Playhouse. The show runs from May 10-25, Thurs-Sun. There are evening and matinee performances. See countryplayhouse.org for more info and get out there and support Renata!
Jessica Cuthbert is organizing a "Sunscreen for Soldiers" drive through Mary Kay. If you would like to help, you can purchase skin care packages ranging from $25-$35 that will be sent to our soldiers overseas. Mary Kay does not profit from this, they items are purchased at-cost. If you prefer, you can also just donate to this worthy cause. See Jessica for more info!
Erin Reed (erin.reed@comcast.net) needs the full name of each "graduating" MOPPET. A graduating MOPPET is a child who is "graduating" out of MOPS and going to kindergarten. You do not need to contact her if your child is just not returning for MOPS next year due to school, only if he/she is going onto kindergarten.
Similarly, contact Melissa Treadway (melissa.treadway@gmail.com) if you are not returning to MOPS next year.
Lauran Helms and Melissa Gisler put out the call once again for VBS registration. You do NOT want your K-5 children missing out on this awesome experience June 24-28th! Remember, for those who have children younger than kindergarten, pre-VBS and nursery programs are extended to those who volunteer! http://www.cumcsl.org/ministries/childrens-ministries/vbs/
Lauran Helms also reminded us about the Josh Wilson concert on June 15th at CUMC presented by those who organize the Walk to Emmaus. Information about the Walk to Emmaus will be available to those who are interested, but those who just want to go for the concert do not need to worry about having information pressed upon them if they do not want it. See Lauran Helms, Melissa Gisler, or Cosntance Ritter for more details.
After Prayers and Praises, Constance gave her courageous and moving testimony. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we all were inspired and we thank you for your brave conviction, Constance!
The rest of the meeting was spent making our awesome craft buckets organized for us by always talented Cori Atkins!
Each bucket includes the following:
1. A muffin tin, shaving cream, and sponge paint brushes---fill each cup in the muffin tin with shaving cream and food coloring. Give the kids the paint brushes, put them in the bath tub or backyard and let them go to town!
2. Paper plates, tongue depressors, balloon--tape the tongue depressors to the paper plates (as a handle), blow the balloon up, play balloon Ping-Pong!
3. Paper plates and rice--put the rice in between the two plates and staple or duct tape shut--instant tambourine!
4. A stain glass making kit.
5. 6 glow sticks--put the glow sticks in the bath tub for a fun bath time activity.
6. Hair gel, gallon-sized Ziploc bag, letters, stones, and butterflies--fill the Ziploc bag with hair gel and drop in the letters, stones and butterflies for a sensory scavenger hunt!
7. Water beads--small clear beads that expand in water!
Cori also included a packet with instructions for a Scavenger Hunt game and a list of "bored-busters"--ideas to give your kids when they complain about being bored. Thank you so much to Cori for keeping our kids entertained as we go into the summer months!
May 17th is our last meeting of the year! Where has the time gone? Steering will be providing breakfast. Look forward to seeing you all there!