Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 18th MOPS Meeting

Hello all!  We had a great meeting this Friday.  Thanks to the Yellow table for a fabulous breakfast!

Happy Birthday to all of our October birthday ladies: Catherine Kubala, Kathleen Randall, Lynnette Thompson, Melissa Bland, Jessica Forray, Constance Ritter, Christy Grover, Anne Leder

We had a fantastic time at Dewberry Farm on Monday!  We could not have asked for better weather!


On November 15th MOPS will be hosting a couple’s social at Christ United Methodist Church.  Bring your husbands!  The price is $30 per couple.  This includes a fabulous Italian dinner and childcare!  Please bring your money to the next meeting if you want to go.  It was a lot fun last year! 

It's time again for Operation Christmas Child!  Amanda Gates is organizing this year and gave a great example of how to get your Christmas boxes started.   These boxes are delivered all over the world to children who otherwise might not receive anything at Christmas.    Flyers were passed out with more information.    You can start with a shoe box or a plastic container the size of a shoe box.  Then you can determine if you want to make the box for a boy or girl.  Next pick an age group: 2-4 years old, 5-9 years old, or 10-14 years old.  Fill the box with goodies such as small toys, school supplies, hygiene items, or candy that doesn’t melt.   Please do not include any war-related items (toy guns, military figures), no liquids or lotions, no medications, no vitamins, nothing breakable, no aerosol cans.  If you have any specific questions about what can or cannot go in the box please ask Amanda Gates!   The dollar store and the Target dollar bins are a great place to find items for your box.  After you fill your box you will need to include $7 for shipping.  You can do this online which will allow you to track your box and find out where in the world it is delivered.  Check out:  Or you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note OCC on the memo line).  Put the check in an envelope at the top of your box.   You can bring your boxes to either meeting in November (Nov 1st or 15th).

We collected $80 for Young Lives through the coin bucket!  Thanks for your donations!

The Silent Auction was a huge success!  Thank you so much to those that planned and organized such a great event!  We raised $1, 512 for MOPS.  Thanks to those that participated as well!  It was a fun night.  If you have not paid for your items please get your money to Meredith.  Congratulations to our MOPS VIPs: Leah, Anne, and Christy!

Liz Brown led us in a great activity to discover new authors and resources to help us navigate through motherhood.  Here are some of the authors and resources she shared:

·         Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst

·         Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker

·         Makeover


·  This includes a truth, tip, and a find

·         Carry On Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton  (This is Liz’s favorite)

·         Momastery: this can be found on facebook and is done by the author of Carry On Warrior


·         Proverbs 31 ministries

Constance Ritter led us in a great devotional entitled “I am Not Alone” from Proverbs 31 ministries.  She encouraged us to remember we are surrounded by a network of other moms.  She shared her personal experience and reminded us that it is okay to pray for friends to help us through this journey!

Next meeting is November 1st!  Green table is up for breakfast!  Have a spooky Halloween!!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 4th Recap

We had another wonderful meeting and as usual breakfast was awesome!  Thanks, orange table!

Get ready for some shopping!!!  Our Boo-tacular Bizarre is this Wednesday, October 9th from 6:30 - 9:00 pm.  We have a lot of great items like purses, clothes and jewelry.  We had a couple of people eyeing the same items - but let's keep it civil ladies - you can fight with your checkbook.  The highest bid wins!  If the spirit moves you, dress up in your best Halloween attire.  Come out for a great night of shopping and time without the kids!

Our next social is planned for October 21st at Dewberry Farm.  The cost is $7 for adults and kids 3 and over.  Kinds under 3 are free!  We need at least 15 adults, so please sign up.  It should be a lot of fun.  Plan to bring your own food; however, you can purchase food out there.  This is a great place for the kids to run and go crazy and get rid of some energy. If you want to caravan, plan to meet at Christ Church no later than 8:45.  The caravan is leaving the Church at 9:00 am - sharp!  Please be on time as we have to enter Dewberry Farms as a group and we don't want anyone left behind.  Please pay by check or cash and get your money to Cori!  Visit for more information.

The month of October is our diaper and formula drive for Young Lives.  If you can donate something, please bring to the next meeting.  Remember how much these girls need our support!  A suggestion was made to put money into a 'table pot' and having one table member buy on behalf of everyone.

The St. Catherine of Sienna Pumpkin Patch is now open!  The patch is located at 4747 Sienna Parkway (behind the levy) and is open every day from 10am-7pm until Halloween.  This is a fantastic place to take photos!  The pumpkin proceeds go to a great cause so come and check it out!

Once again, Cintia gave a wonderful, thought provoking devotional.  This week was about Godly thought patterns and 'How to Recognize, Change and Manage Thought Patterns'.  A most notable quote from her devotional and words to think of and remember:

“Watch your Thoughts; for they become Words. Watch your Words; for they become Actions. Watch your Actions; for they become Habits. Watch your Habits; for they become your Character. Watch your Character; for it becomes your Destiny.”


Our meeting ended with everyone getting crafty!  We decorated adorable sippy cups to give to the young ladies at Young Lives.

Meet our wonderful Mentor Moms!  We are so blessed to have these great women in our group!
Top: Sue Bridges, Nancy Burford
Middle: Colleen Flint, Jennifer Wells, Evelyn Smith
Bottom: Jan Santoro, Amy Young
Not Pictured: Sunday Coffman

The next meeting is Friday, October 18th and the yellow table is on breakfast duty.  See you there!

One last thing: everyone get ready to say "Awwww..." in 3....2.....1: