Thursday, May 1, 2014

Recap of April 25th Craft Meeting

Hi all!

We had another great Craft meeting this past Friday April 25th.    A wonderful breakfast spread was provided by the blue table.  Thanks for the yummy food!

Our meeting started with several important announcements:

·        There is still time to sign up for VBS at Christ United Methodist Church!  The price increases after June 1st .  Sign up soon!

·        Please register for MOPS if you plan on returning next year before June 1st.  Our organization gets a discount if we get members registered before June 1st.  The final deadline to sign up for next year is August 1st.  Please let your Discussion Group Leader if you are not planning to return next year.

·        Thanks for all the donations for Young Lives :diapers, wipes, and formula!

·        Ladies Night Out at Red Oak Grill on May 1st for moms only.  Please RSVP to Cori Atkins!

·        Bayou Wildlife Park Outing: Please see facebook thread by Cori Atkins for most recent details.  We need 15 people to get the group rate.  You have to pay with check or cash at the park.  If you are going remember to wear grungy clothes.  It should be a lot of fun!

·        Renata Smith will be performing with Pandora Theatre in Vox Feminina: Mom’s the Word through May 10th.  Tickets are $15.  Let’s support Renata!

The fabulous Meg Ruffing then led the group in a gardening craft.  We made container herb gardens in Mason jars, chalkboard garden stakes, and seed bombs.  Make sure to check your herb gardens.  They should be sprouting soon if not already.  Our seed bombs contain native Texas wild flowers and grasses.   I believe the garden stakes that were not yet dry were placed in the MOPS closet for pick up at the next meeting. 

Photo shamelessly stolen from Cintia Listenbee...hope she doesn't mind! :-)

Cintia then led us in a wonderful devotion.  She reminded us that God wants to be with us in all moments of motherhood.  She talked about the stressful and crazy moments as mothers and what a difference finding God’s peace can make!  In her words, “Put on the glasses of peace!”

We have two meetings left in May.   Next meeting is May 9th.  Purple table is up for breakfast. Summer is almost here!