This year we will introduce a "Member Covenant" that each member will need to read and sign. We are a vibrant group with a waiting list of mommies who would like to join, so attendance must be a priority for the group. Obviously, absences due to illness (yours or your children), emergency, family crisis, etc are absolutely excusable. However, in the event of an absence, communication with your table's Discussion Group Leader (DGL) is essential. After two uncommunicated absences, we will be forced to give your spot to one of the mommies on our waiting list.
CUMCSL will offer a FREE workshop about introducing issues of sexual morality with your children. The workshop will be on Sunday, September 16th from 4-6 in rooms 210/211. Registration is required and childcare is limited so if you are interested, sign up soon!
Announcements from Steering Members:
Melissa Gisler gave us a run down of how our outreach budget was used last year to benefit our community.
Leah Hammonds appealed to the group to sign up for a Care Team meal at least once a semester (more if you are able--we have LOTS of babies this year!)
Kathleen Randall and Leah Hammonds are heading up a bible study on off MOPS Fridays. They will start on October 12th and the first one is on patience. If you are interested, contact Kathleen ( to sign up. They are able to offer limited childcare and if more people sign up than they can accomodate, a drawing will be done to keep things fair. There is no limit on how many people they can have in the study, so if childcare is not an issue for you, feel free to sign up!
Kelly Otero announced the social outings for September:
Thursday, September 13th at 6:50pm: Mom's Night at the Movies! We will see Hope Springs at the Star Cinema Grill on Hwy 6 in Missouri City.
Monday, September 17th from 9-11am: Playdate at the Sugar Creek Playscape. Free admission!
Friday, September 28th from 6:30-8:30pm: MOPS Couples Night. Bring your husband so we can all get to know each other! Dinner will be catered at CUMCSL and childcare will be provided. $30 per couple.
Shelli LeBret introduced our new Missions project: Young Lives, a division of Young Life that services pregnant teenage mothers. Stay tuned, we will have a speaker from Young Lives with us at our next meeting on September 21st.
Meredith Canny introduced our coin can that will be passed around at all meetings. Proceeds from the coin can will be donated as a part our our outreach ministry. She also introduced the 9:30am drawing that will be done at each meeting. If you are present before 9:30am, you get to put your name in for a chance at some fabulous MOPS prizes!
Melissa Treadway explained how we can change any of our membership information at
Committees were announced and committee members met briefly to discuss responsibilities for the year.
The rest of the meeting was spent getting reacquainted with old friends and meeting our fabulous new MOPS and Mentor Moms. We really have a great group this year!
The rock star award goes to Breanne Ward who STILL CAME to the meeting today even though her baby is scheduled to arrive via C-section this evening!!! Talk about commitment! Breanne, you and your family are definitely in our prayers today and we can't wait to see your beautiful new addition!
Lauran Helms closed our meeting with a reflection on Matthew 9: 1-5 when Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man. She gave us a poignant reminder that what we get out of MOPS is contingent upon the commitment that we put into it. Great advice!
And finally, meet your Steering Committee!
Front Row: Kelly Otero (Social), Liz Brown (Co-Coordinator), Erin Reed (MOPPETS Crafts), Constance Ritter (Coordinator)
It's going to be a great year! See you September 21st!
Yea! I'm excited this is back! Nice job, Kathie!