Monday, February 11, 2013

February 8th MOPS Meeting

Wedding bells were ringing Friday at our meeting! least in our heads!

Friday was all about remembering our weddings and sharing the memories with friends.  The meeting opened up with a blessing and a wonderful breakfast provided by the orange table.

Announcements followed with Cori reminding everyone this is the last day to get the coconut scrub or bath salt.

Melissa reminded everyone the black t-shirts are still for sale for $10 for those interested.

Leah was next letting everyone know of members who are currently pregnant and reminding everyone to please sign up to deliver meals to the new mommies and their family.  An e-mail reminder will go out    when the time arrives!

Lauran let us know that Christ United Methodist Church is having their Vacation Bible School from June 24th - 28th, so sign your kiddos up and don't forget to volunteer!  You can check out Facebook to sign up.
Kelly was next with the next social event for the kids.  It will be a skating event held at the Dairy Ashford Roller Rink this coming Friday, February 15th from 10am til noon.

This summer we are hoping to send one young mom to camp from Young Lives.  Please search your house for gently used "cute" items that you would be willing to part with to be auctioned off Friday, February 27th at 7pm at Shelli LeBret's house.  Please have your auction items in by the February 22nd meeting.  Feel free to invite your friends to the event who might want to purchase awesome auction items.  Kelly brought examples from her house:  a gently used purse, a pancake maker that had never been used, Shellie brought up a pair of shoes that have never been worn that were still in the box.

After the announcements we looked through everyones wedding photo albums and listened to their wonderful memories.

After looking through the albums, Lauran went through all of the e-mails that she had received from our loving husbands.  All e-mails were anonymous, so we all listened in wondering which reponse our husbands had sent. The meeting closed with prayers and praises from Lauran.

Our next meeting will be Friday, February 22nd with a breakfast from the yellow table.

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