Hello all!
We came together once again on Friday and enjoyed a lovely breakfast courtesy of the yellow table. It was all wonderful!
Kim Ripley started the meeting by giving us a brief description of what will happen at our next meeting on March 8th. Kim is an expert in infant massage, but her techniques can be used on all members of the family. She will be showing how to use touch to relieve stress and develop a healthy attitude of physical touch with our children. You won't want to miss it!
Shelli LeBret gave us a recap of the Young Lives meeting on Thursday in which the MOPS provided childcare. Next month we will be offering our driving services and in April we will provide the dinner for their meeting. If you haven't had a chance to volunteer with this worthy cause, it is really worth your time and effort. We are all spread so thin, but our help really goes a long, long way.
On Wednesday, February 27th, we will have a "Moroccan Bazaar" benefitting Young Lives. We are attempting to raise funds to help send one girl to camp (about $600). Young Lives does make the girls work for this money through volunteer hours. Many of us brought items to donate and we will have a silent auction for those items. This event is graciously hosted by Shelli LeBret at her home: 6427 Crystal Point, Missouri City, TX 77459. Attire is casual chic. The event starts at 7pm, feel free to bring a friend!
Congrats to Meredith Bowman and her husband Chris as they welcomed Reese Hunt Bowman to the world on Wednesday. This was slightly earlier than expected, but everyone is doing well. Be on the lookout for a Care Team sign up to deliver meals to the Bowmans soon.
Kelly Otero gave us the heads up on two upcoming social events at the end of March. For the kids, we will visit a police station where they will provide finger-printing kits and a tour of a police car. We will all go to lunch afterwards. Also at the end of March we will have our "Mommy Social" at Constance's house in the form of a game night. More details to come on both of these great events!
Melissa Gisler provided an outreach update. We recently donated a $250 Walmart gift card to help ease the financial burdens of a mother whose son is in the hospital and has missed so much work that they have begun to dock her pay. We also donated $500 to a family who recently lost their husband and father to a tragic heart attack.
Please get your "favorite things" to Kim Garnett ASAP (khgarnett@gmail.com). Favorite things can be ANYTHING that has impacted your life in any way. We want to hear about it!
Meredith Canny announced that we have raised $59 with our change jar. All proceeds will benefit Young Lives. Meredith also proposed changing our by-laws regarding funds raised from the 60 (outreach) / 40 (MOPS) split to all proceeds going to our MOPS fund and we will distribute funds and/or fund raise for particular causes as we see fit. This motion was seconded and passed overwhelmingly.
The remainder of our meeting was spent gleaning wisdom from our wonderful "Mentor Moms Panel." They were extraordinarily helpful on a wide variety of topics relating to motherhood and parenting.
Lauran Helms closed us out with reading of Romans 12:10 and a devotion from Proverbs 31 regarding "The Good Wife". http://www.proverbs31.org/devotions/good-wife-2013-02/
Our next meeting is March 8th and will feature "The Taste of MOPS" in which each table will bring a few extra-special recipes to share! Looking forward to it, see you then!
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